Happy Friday, Sociologists! We’ve been on hiatus for about a month while we took some time off and launched our new site. We hope you’re enjoying the new look, and that your semesters, if you are a student or a faculty member, are off to excellent starts. We have a lot of links built up from the last few weeks, and a moving video up top from the New York Times about gender, parenting, and transiting. We hope you enjoy!
- Universities have a sexual harassment problem. Can they fix it? (Vox)
- Women and Men in STEM Often at Odds Over Workplace Equity (Pew)
- Long Before #MeToo, Researchers Saw Troubling Trends for Women at Work – An Interview with Paula England (Slate)
- Lunches, hugs, and break-room banter: Where are the new boundaries at work? (Washington Post)
Poverty in America
- On the border of hope and despair (Washington Post)
- The 100-year capitalist experiment that keeps Appalachia poor, sick, and stuck on coal (Quartz)
- Families flooding LA’s homeless system at five times the rate of last year (Southern California Public Radio)
- Why it costs so much to be poor in America (Washington Post)
- Millions of Americans as destitute as the world’s poorest? Don’t believe it. (Vox)
Spatial Inequality
- America’s forgotten towns: Can they be saved or should people just leave? (Washington Post)
- What city bus systems can tell us about race, poverty and us (Washington Post)
- Urban killings rise in clusters as many areas grow safer (AP)
- What Happens When the Richest U.S. Cities Turn to the World? (New York Times)
Space, Work, and Retail
- What to Do With Dead Malls? (Wall Street Journal)
- How to Rebuild After the Retail Apocalypse (The Atlantic)
- Can Cops Unlearn Their Unconscious Biases? (The Atlantic)
- In New York, Crime Falls Along With Police Stops (ProPublica)
Big Tech
- Google, YouTube and the future of the American worker (NBC)
- How Tech Companies Could Keep the Workforce Alive (The Atlantic)
- Big Tech: The New Predatory Capitalism (American Prospect)
Working in America
- Freelanced: The Rise Of The Contract Workforce (WBUR)
- Trump says he deserves credit for the lowest black unemployment rate in decades. He doesn’t. (Vox)
- Trump Promised to Protect Steel. Layoffs Are Coming Instead. (New York Times)
- Carrier plant layoffs: Worker thought Trump would save her job. She was wrong. (NBC)
- Inside One of America’s Last Pencil Factories (New York Times Magazine)
- As Labor Pool Shrinks, Prison Time Is Less of a Hiring Hurdle (New York Times)
- Boston-Area Companies Push For Robot Workers In Warehouses Under Holiday Crunch (WBUR)
- ‘I hope I can quit working in a few years’: A preview of the U.S. without pensions (Washington Post)
On Campus
- The Peril of Taxing Elite Higher Education (New York Times)
- The surprising thing Google learned about its employees — and what it means for today’s students (Washington Post)
- As Flow of Foreign Students Wanes, U.S. Universities Feel the Sting (New York Times)
- The World Might Be Better Off Without College for Everyone (The Atlantic)
- The Biggest Problem for State Higher-Ed Policy? Federal Higher-Ed Policy (The Chronicle)
- Less Is More (Inside Higher Ed)
- Hypothetical ‘Shark Tank’ Session Sets Off Real Worries at U. of Baltimore (The Chronicle)
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